Friday, October 28, 2005

Shake Some Action

Since starting this blog, I've noticed something about myself. I expect different things from an audiobook than I do from a print book. If I'm lounging in a sunny spot (or staying up all night) reading a print book, I don't necessarily need action or surprises or intrigue. I enjoy a good character study, anything that reveals something about human nature, anything literary.

But for some reason, I can't get into those kinds of books as much in audio form. I've had Bret Easton Ellis's Lunar Park riding around in my car for a while now, but in spite of the significant buzz surrounding it, I haven't felt the motivation to begin it. I gravitate more toward the mysteries, adventures and chick lit - most of which I don't bother with in print. Most of which I inevitably dislike.

Maybe this difference between what I want in audio vs. print occurs because I get distracted more easily in audio. With a print book, I get so absorbed that I'm more in the book than I am in the real world. But it takes a really special audiobook to suck me out of the world of interstate driving ... though maybe that's a good thing for the other drivers around me. ;)


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I foolishly tried to listen to Proust! I didn't even get through the first side of the first tape. I suspect I would have read much further in print.

Kate S. said...

I have tended to avoid audio books despite my very long commute because I too am very easily distracted when listening. The few times I tried, I didn't really feel as if I'd taken the book in when I got to the end of it. However, your post has made me think that perhaps I was just trying with the wrong books. Mostly non-fiction that required close concentration. I love a good mystery, so I'm going to track down a few of those in audio and give it another go next week. Thanks!